Embedded System

UTAustinX: UT.6.10xEmbedded Systems - Shape The World: Microcontroller Input/Output


An embedded system combines mechanical, electrical and chemical components along with a computer hidden inside to perform a single dedicated purpose.

The course has been split into two. Part 1 is 8 labs in chapters 1-10 and part 2 is 7 labs in chapters 11-16. The introduction lab occurs in both parts.


The approach taken in this course is to learn by doing in a bottom-up fashion. One of the advantages of a bottom-up approach to learning is that the student begins by mastering simple concepts. Once the student truly understands simple concepts, he can then embark on the creative process of design, which involves putting the pieces together to create a more complex system. True creatively is needed to solve complex problems using effective combinations of simple components.

Embedded systems afford an effective platform to teach new engineers how to program for three reasons.

  1. First there is no operating system, Thus in a bottom up fashion the student can see, write and understand all software running on a system that actually does something.

  2. Embedded systems involve real input/output that is easy for the student to touch, hear and see

  3. Embedded systems are employed in many everyday products motivating students to see firsthand how engineering process can be applied in the real world.

Structure of the class

The analog to digital converter(ADC) and digital to analog converter (DAC) are the chosen mechanism to bridge the computer and electrical worlds. Electrical engineering concepts include Ohms Law, LED voltage/current, resistance measurement

Learning Objectives

  • Understand binary numbers, hexadecimal representation and the representation of signed and unsigned integers

  • Learn what an Embedded System is

  • Know the composition of a central processing unit, CPU

  • Know the terms Arithmetic Logical Unit, control unit, Registers, Bus, von Neumann, Harbard

  • Learn the memory map of the TM4C123

  • See some of the ARM Cortex M instruction set

Introduction, Examples of Embedded Systems Lecture

Embedded system are a ubiquitous component of everyday life.

An embedded system is a system that performs a specific task and has a computer embedded or hidden inside. A system is comprised of components and interfaces connected together for a common purpose.

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